Thursday, 10 February 2011

K.K. Raghava

I allready made a post about this artists and the talk that he gave at a TED conference.
The video bellow shows the development of his project:
"Anthropomorphism-when paintings dance" where he collaberated with a dance groop by painting on there bodies. Read this article for more information.

I find it interesting that an artist who I allready found so insperational has created work in which I see parralels with what I now want to achieve. I like the way that he paints onto the bodies of the dancers in order to mke his work come to life. I love the horrezontal lines that appear cutting across his gestures when the fabric creases as he draggs his fingers over it. His use of colour and the simplicity of the faces that he paints astound me, his work is so vibrant. I want to practice painting in this way, I stocked up on actylic and cheep canvases for this very purpose, I guess I also have a tonne of cardboard that I could use.

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