Monday, 20 December 2010


This might seem a little off topic but it is something that has been on my minda a lot lately, wanted to save this post. Anyways here is an article by Charlie Brooker that i thuroughly enjoyed and a coment left by a reader. It states:

"Is it true that Camilla was heard to say 'let them study at home'?

Enterprising students might take this up and create learning pools or cooperatives. The biggest thing in education is to acquire useful knowledge in a field that interests you. It impresses far more than qualifications."

This struck a chord with me is all.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Block Posters

Ok here is a website I have been meaning to revisit for some time now, Kerrie showed me it a while back. It is called and allows you blow up large Images and then slice them up into A4 sized portions ready to print. I will post pics of the art work I blow up for my bedroom walls. Will be awesome!!! I hope?

Thursday, 2 December 2010

My First Pressentation

Ok this is long over due as I did this pressentation like 2 months ago now. But here are my individual slides.

The First represents Travel, globe trotting and seeing the world.
The Second is living for the day, or sezing the day. Doing whatever you can at any time in your life and not allowing anything or any preconceptions to hod you back.
The Third represents anti materialism and not being held down and inhibbited by commitments.
The Fourth shows growth, evolution and metamorphasis, through your experiences.
The Fifth identifies the combination of reality with a little bit of magic.
The 6th shows things that might have been... or unfulfiled potential or dreams.
The 7th looks at sexuality, something I dont like to shy away from and that interests me. Also gender roles and prescribed and expected/ accepted gender roles.
The 8th represents going against the grain, deffying convention, standing out. Questioning the norms and values of the time and defying taboos.
The 9th... finaly is for having fun, getting drunk and socialising.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Guardian Art Stuff

Ok, so here be som funky but very out of date stuff I pulled up on an old guardian page.